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Our goal is to provide health & wellness empowerment one person, city, state, & country at a time. We want to show the world that being healthy can be fun & a necessity to increase the longevity of your life. We want to bridge the gap between health awareness by bringing important facts and products into one central location. By doing so, maybe we can cut out the confusion of misleading information and half-truths. 


"When you take control of your life, thats's when you have truly found freedom. Until then, you are still bound and blinded to your chains!"

-Michael H. Craddock


"I CAN, I WILL, & I MUST"  --- by Eric Thomas & Billy Alsbrook

Business Team
Analysing the Numbers
Casual Work Meeting


M.C. Health & Wellness was created by Michael H. Craddock with three simple visionary lessons he's learned:




As simple and small as these phrases are, Michael quickly understood how easy life could be once that mentality is embodied into the mind of a fighter! However, the even more powerful realization was understanding that it's possible, and everyone has this innate power, but you just have to want it!


M.C. Health & Wellness is a platform used to empower anyone who is looking to improve their nutritional and fitness knowledge, while daily taking back control of their lives in gaining, losing, or maintaining their weight. We have been taught and literally "force fed" how to practice all of the wrong habits, but we are here to help show you a new way.


We are here to welcome you to our host of dietary supplements, protein shakes, meal replacements, & MORE, but most importantly, we're here to give you that extra push you need to fight again!

So ARISE CHAMPION & Prepare For Battle!

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