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Why Is Protein Helpful For Muscle Building

by Michael Johnson Jr.

July 31st, 2023

Muscle building, or muscle hypertrophy, is a complex physiological process that involves the growth and repair of muscle fibers. While various factors contribute to muscle development, nutrition plays a pivotal role in optimizing muscle building outcomes. Among the macronutrients, proteins emerge as the fundamental building blocks for muscle tissue. This essay aims to examine the importance of proteins in muscle building, elucidating their role in muscle repair, synthesis, and growth. This discussion will be supported by six relevant site references to provide a comprehensive analysis.

Protein and Muscle Protein Synthesis 

Muscle protein synthesis (MPS) is the process by which muscle fibers regenerate and grow. Proteins are composed of amino acids, which serve as the crucial building blocks for MPS. During resistance exercise, such as weightlifting, muscle fibers undergo microscopic damage. Proteins are essential in repairing this damage and promoting the synthesis of new muscle proteins to enhance muscle growth.


According to a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, protein ingestion stimulates MPS by activating the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway (1). This pathway regulates muscle protein synthesis by initiating the translation of messenger RNA (mRNA) into functional proteins. Adequate protein intake, particularly in the post-exercise window, optimizes the anabolic response, leading to increased muscle protein synthesis and subsequent muscle hypertrophy.

Top Notch Protein Tips

Quality and Essential Amino Acids 

Protein quality and amino acid composition are vital factors that influence muscle building outcomes. Proteins derived from different sources vary in their amino acid profiles, which affects their ability to stimulate muscle protein synthesis. Essential amino acids (EAAs) are particularly crucial as they cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained through dietary sources.


A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition highlights the importance of EAAs, particularly leucine, in muscle protein synthesis (2). Leucine, one of the three branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), plays a key role in activating mTOR and stimulating MPS. Animal-based protein sources, such as whey and casein, are rich in EAAs and have high leucine content, making them particularly effective in promoting muscle growth.



Timing and Distribution

Besides total protein intake, the timing and distribution of protein consumption are critical factors in optimizing muscle building. Consuming an adequate amount of protein throughout the day ensures a sustained availability of amino acids for MPS.


A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition suggests that spreading protein intake evenly across meals promotes muscle protein synthesis more effectively than consuming the same amount of protein in a single meal (3). This finding emphasizes the importance of protein distribution for maximizing muscle building potential.



Quantity and Caloric Balance

The quantity of protein consumed is another crucial aspect of muscle building. In order to support muscle growth, individuals engaged in resistance training should consume protein in sufficient amounts to meet their increased requirements.


According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand, athletes aiming for muscle hypertrophy should consume protein at a rate of approximately 1.4-2.0 grams per kilogram of body weight per day (4). This range ensures an optimal protein intake to support muscle protein synthesis while considering individual variations and training



Do Something From The Heart

One of the effects of isolation if the lack of personal meaning and self actualization.  If you find yourself not only feeling like you want to pull your hair out from boredom, but that your sense of purpose is being questioned than you could be suffering from a lack of personal meaning.  "All of us want to feel like we belong and that our life has importance, which is why incorporating meaningful activities into each day is important. Doing something meaningful each day, even if only for a short period, will give you a sense of purpose and identity."

Pilates Practice on a Reformer
Running Shoes

Know Your Comforts

Take a nice hot bath 

Read your favorite book that you've been holding off on 

Watch a new tv series

Give yourself a foot and hand massage

Drink some herbal tea and try new teas

Light a scented candle and aromatherapy oils

Practice good hygiene, grooming, and personal care




There are just a few that I wanted to highlight for you to focus on while we're all staying at home together.  We are living in trying times, but during this trying time, it's good to use this time to try something new.  Find out more about yourself, the world around around you, a new language, a new recipe, this is great time to find out more about yourself than you could ever imagine.  Typically we are so busy with all of the hustle and bustle of life that we don't have the time to really work on personal development like we should, but now there's really no excuse no to grow.   Here are some other helpful tips that just weren't mentioned before, read them and really take it to heart.  We all need each other, and we're not as different as we might think, and together we're going to get through this.  


Connect with others

Create something

Plan for your future

Practice showing compassion for others

Stay clean and organized

Meditate and visualization practices 

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